An organization wishing to implement a policy requiring the use of Two-Step Authentication has no way to audit which users accessing their information have or have not enabled two-factor authentication.
Could a system administrator, who can view a list of users anyway, be provided with a report or a visual means of identifying which users have enabled two-step authentication for the purpose of security and access adits?
When setting up new employees as Blackbaud users, during their training session with me I require that the MFA is enabled, but have no way of knowing when or if someone disables this. We need to have the ability to either run a list of users indicating MFA status (enabled or disabled), or at the very least, have it visible as a column in Users and Admins under Admin. This is very important for data security and SSO through IdP is not the solution for our organization.
Totally agree with this and should be implemented as priority. Also a very quick thing to do. It would also make sense to have the 'MFA enabled' option as a security entitlement. This will allow admins to give a user the privileges to be able to enable or disable this option. Of course this means the admin can also restrict this privilege so that no user can change this feature except for an admin. Personally I would not give a user the ability to disable MFA considering the personal sensitive data that is used and stored however that should be decided on a case-by-case basis hence the privilege solution will cater for all needs.
i think in light of BB recent hacking this should be escalated and implemented ASAP to help us keep our charity's safe!
I agree with JP. With no visibility we have no way of knowing who is out of compliance.