NXT address autofill should use Google or have option for local (non-US) address verification site

The NXT address autofill for new constituents, due to its integrated Bing address search, does not recognise New Zealand suburbs (and possibly other non-US ones), making it useless.

NZPost requires street names written in full ("Street" instead of "St"), suburbs, and area codes. The current autofill in NXT does not meet these basic standards. If our mail is not formatted in this way we lose our bulk mail discount, which is very important to charities. 

Also, larger cities, e.g. Auckland, often have more than one street with the same name (urban growth means smaller towns are assimilated into bigger cities). For example, try looking up 5 Queen Street in Auckland - one is in Northcote and one is in Auckland Central. Google shows 2 possibilities with suburbs and area codes. The Bing search in NXT shows 1 address, with no suburb or area code. Mail and packages would be returned to us or potentially delivered to the wrong address. Auckland is where most of our supporters live.

It would be better for NXT to switch to a more global search, like Google, or offer an option to link to an appropriate address verification site. This would help our donor reps, our data entry team, and our distribution department. It would help all Blackbaud's clients who are outside of the States.

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  • Jul 4 2018
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