Ability to change the date order of Action Notes

We need top be able to see the most recent Action Notes at the top of the list of Action Notes within an action. We create multiple action notes within an action, related to the various attempts to complete the particular action. The Action summary quite correctly (I think) shows the most recent action note, but when I open the action, the notes are currently ordered oldest (at the top) to newest at the bottom. This seems counter intuitive to me - the action note I'm most interested in is the most recent one. Ideally I'd like to be able to re-order them as I wish, and perhaps filter by different fields, but in the short term, just changing the ordering of the existing notes so that the most recent is at the top would be very helpful.

  • Lori Kelly
  • Jun 28 2018
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    • Guest commented
      August 07, 2018 20:13

      Lori, thank you!  I am encountering the same problems and have to sort through my notes to see the most recent, which could be on page 2!  I know most of the actions order on a particular day, but fear in time I will miss an important one.  The other concern is when a colleague is looking at notes and doesn't know to look past the last one entered.  It would be most helpful to have the notes in chronological order according to date AND time stamp. I hope this can be done soon.