Fix the contradiction where "Do Not Mail" in NXT becomes "Has no valid address" in RE7

Currently, if you edit an address in NXT, there is an option which shows as "Mark as do not mail" or "Do not mail" depending on which part of the editor you're using.  If you mark the address record Do not mail, that shows up in RE7 as "Has no valid address."  A major problem with this is that the term "Do Not Mail" has the implication that it's a donor preference and should be used as a Solicit Code.  An additional complication is that when you code a single address that way, it effects the entire constituent record.  So if you have a constituent for whom you have both a business and a home address, you can't mark one to have mail and the other one not.

If this choice is to stay in NXT, it should a) be reworded to read "Mark as not a valid address" and b) effect only that address on the RE7 side by unchecking the "Send mail to this address" box.

If we're going to have a place in NXT where we can mark a constituent as having no valid address, it belongs on the constituent record, not on an address record.

  • Rick Franklin
  • Apr 5 2018
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    28 Jun 08:18

    Can this PLEASE be looked at as like all the other comments on here. Do not mail is totally different to no valid address. I still use the DB view rather than NXT.

    Thank you

  • John Keating commented
    August 04, 2023 14:30

    Do not mail to this address and not a valid address are not the same thing! Please fix this...As an addition to the points already made, this is causing problems for me when I untick the 'Constituents with no valid address' tickbox when running an R68 report/ claiming Gift Aid in Database View. This is an additional safety measure (as we require a valid address to claim Gift Aid) but has the potential to incorrectly exclude constituents that may have had 'Mark as do not mail' ticked in NXT (if all relevant criteria apply to cause 'Has no valid addresses' to be ticked in Database View.

  • Becky Wise commented
    August 11, 2022 16:01

    There are multiple ideas with hundreds of votes that relate to this function in NXT and the Database view.

    When I mark a record in RE NXT as "Do Not Mail" It automatically marks the record as "has no valid address" in Raiser's Edge database view. Checking the "do not mail" box in RE NXT is natural for anyone to do when they are marking a person as deceased. When they are deceased, we DO NOT want to have the box checked "Has no valid addresses". This checkbox is used when I send my data to AlumniFinder for address updates, and it reflects in our Data Health scorecard. You can see why we would not want to have the "has no valid addresses" marked when a person is deceased.

    It also does not reverse itself when unchecking in NXT. In NXT, when I uncheck the box "send mail to this address", it does not tie to the "has no valid address" checkbox on the Bio 1 tab.

  • Dianne Smith commented
    August 20, 2019 12:07

    I do not like the way RE NXT marks records in the database view when you mark the "Do Not Mail" under addresses in NXT. If you look at the database view side, it checks "Has no valid address" on the Bio 1 tab. This is not accurate to me. Just because the donor may not wish to receive paper mailings from the organization, does not mean the address is invalid. The address in most cases is indeed a good, valid address with the USPS service. I think the term "has no valid address" is misleading. Please fix this. 

  • Brian Bates commented
    April 13, 2018 17:02

    This has been a burr in my saddle since day one.  They have "fixed" one piece in that it never used to check the NVA in database (DB).  However, simply marking "NVA" in DB does NOT mark the address as bad in NXT.  You have to go into the individual address in DB and UNCHECK "Send Mail".  i understand their logic . . sort of . . . but it is entirely possible that your database folks have been checking NVA for months . .  and NONE of those records will be marked as "Bad" in NXT.