More granularity for attachment permissions needed for security groups

Currently, it's All or Nothing for allowing our users to add attachments to constituent records. The NXT Web View security settings have a further option to allow attachments to Funds, Campaigns, and Appeals which is not present in the database.

We need to be able to allow our fundraisers to add attachments to their Actions and Opportunities, but not the constituent photo at the top of the record. The constituent photo hasn't had any functionality improvements since 2015 when the first "allow us to delete a constituent photo" Idea I could find was submitted. We at a minimum need to be able to prevent general users from adding photos that can't be managed while still allowing them to add attachments to their Actions and Opportunities, which is central to their job.

(General statement that yes, we would love to be able to allow anyone to add photos, but without the ability for quality control or removing incorrect photos or even being able to know that if we merge 2 constituents in the db that the photo is on the correct record and won't be erased.... we just can't use the photos function at all.)

  • Keri Barnhart
  • Mar 6 2018
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Jen Claudy commented
      March 06, 2018 18:13

      FYI:  I believe that when merging 2 Constituent Records in RE7, you also lose any NXT Attachments on the non-surviving record.