Set Custom Gift Size Ranges in NXT

The gift size donor categories we report on are very different than the ones available in Analyze. Either we should be able to set our own ranges that apply to Analyze (possibly with the ability to choose default, or one of 2 custom ones for each Analyze dashboard we set up?)  or we should be able to create these in Analyze/Insight. For example, we're starting a new recognition society, and my gift officers want to see how many donors they have at each level. Coding is based on fund, appeal and dollar amount. NXT only gives us number of gifts not number of donors so even filtering lists doesn't help. Insight gives me counts of donors, but not the ability to filter amounts. My work around right now is to open Analyze, create a list from one of the metrics, then Pivot in Excel to get a donor count at each level.

  • Amy Stubbings
  • Jan 31 2018
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