Add solicitor option when using Outlook NXT add-in

When using the Outlook NXT add-in, it correctly adds an action in NXT with the email, but it does not allow one to assign a solicitor!  I am a fundraiser, why can it not default to me, since I am signed in?  I wish NXT had default settings for this.

  • Guest
  • Nov 6 2017
  • Attach files
  • Robert Griffith commented
    November 08, 2019 19:00

    Outlook Integration is fundamentally pointless if it doesn't include solicitor information.  This existed in earlier versions of RE/OL integration and ought to be included here.

  • Alex Oakley commented
    November 27, 2018 21:03

    Would love to see this feature added ASAP.

  • Jared Hughes commented
    October 01, 2018 20:58


  • Gwen Williams commented
    June 28, 2018 16:26

    This would be very helpful in addition to an option to mark the action as completed and entering a completed date.  It would save me a lot of time updating actions our solicitors are adding this way since they are not automatically added as the solicitor for the action.

  • Ray Musumeci commented
    November 22, 2017 15:32

    This would be a huge help if the suggestions made by David were made. 

  • David Dines commented
    November 13, 2017 18:16

    I tested this plug-in out, and to be totally honest, the only benefit it provides when adding actions is taking away the step of copying and pasting the email text into the note.  The following things should be done when an email is copied over as an action:

    Solicitor/Fundraiser is assigned

    Ability to mark action as completed

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