In lists display all values for specified custom field

For some of our custom fields, it is possible to enter multiple values as separate entries. However, when I go into lists and I select this custom field for display, only one of the records for this custom field is displayed and then there is a note stating "and 1 more". So to get all of the information I have to go into individual records to find the rest of the information, preventing me from having an overview of the data within that custom field. If I have selected this custom field to be displayed, then I should get ALL of the the information relating to that custom field. 

  • Rebecca Kendall
  • Oct 27 2017
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    May 06, 2023 12:41

    Agreed, I would really need this. In database view this is easy to do in a query by just adding the specific atribute field to the results panel 2 or 3 times.

  • Gary Cook commented
    March 22, 2018 15:04

    NXT designers don't seem to recognize how important custom fields/attributes ar to some of their users.  Custom fields with multiple value options tell us a lot about the people on the list.  It diminishes the value of lists to have to click on individual records to see all of the values for a custom field.