Increase the batch size of giving statements for emails or PDFs

We're getting ready to email/print giving statements for 2021 for all of our donors. We have nearly 2,500 donors that we'll need to send statements to. A vast majority of them have email addresses so we'll send them electronically, and then generate PDFs for those we need to mail.

However, the giving statements function only allows up to 50 records to be considered at-a-time for either email or PDF. This means I will need to run through 2,500 constituents 50 at-a-time, adding a significant amount of time to handle this task that could be solved by upping the limit to 250 or 500.

Similar to how the Events module recently received an update that allows us to see 500 registrants on a single page instead of having to tab through 30 pages of people, this would be a huge improvement to an already great feature.

  • Adam Dunigan
  • Jan 13 2022
  • Attach files