Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit RENXT-I-1532 Lists and Searches for Appeal, Fund and Event Record Access.

Fund information in RENXT database view does not show up in RENXT web view without donations Merged

Fund information in RENXT database view does not show up in RENXT web view without donations. In order to add attachments to the webview of RENXT, the fund must have a donation or gift associated with it.  If there is no gift associated with the fund, the fund cannot be displayed and the an attachment cannot be added and even worse, the description of the fund cannot be viewed. 

  • Guest
  • Apr 24 2019
  • Jarod Bonino commented
    April 24, 2019 16:20

    Hey I just wanted to chime in real quick with something that may or may not be helpful, but should at least clarify something.

    You can, in fact, view Funds without gifts in RE NXT web view. We just don't give you an easy way to get to them (yet). We're working on building out better ways for users to get to and manage Funds in web view, but in the meantime, there is a bit of a "RE NXT hack" if you want to give it a shot. I wouldn't call it "pretty" or particularly "efficient", and it isn't the long-term solution to finding and opening Fund records within web view, but it is effective

    1. Visit the Gift List in RE NXT web view and open any Fund record by clicking on the Fund description

    2. Open the Fund in database view that you are wanting to display in web view and go to File > Properties

    Take note of the "System record ID" from this pop up

    3. When you're on the Fund record in web view, notice the URL. It should read as followed by a tenant id.

    The ## in the example URL above represents the "System record ID" of the Fund you have open. Replace that value in the URL bar with the System record ID from the Fund in step 2 and voila! You're now viewing a Fund record (with no gifts) in RE NXT web view.

    Again, not the easiest set of steps or most intuitive way to get there, but if your goal is to view the Fund in web view, it does work.

    I believe there are existing Ideas for making Funds easier to search for or find in web view. I'm going to merge this idea with one of those since I believe that is the true spirit of what this idea is suggesting.


    Jarod Bonino

    Principal Product Manager, Raiser's Edge NXT