Allow users to set retention definition settings in NXT regarding soft credits similar to how we define received/committed money

We have a number of donation drives in our org where the check comes from a donor advised fund after collecting donations in our name during city-wide drives. We hard credit the donor advised fund and soft credit constituent. Some constituents have recently changed over to giving to us in this manner rather than writing a check. They show as not retained or lapsing in NXT when we actually would not consider them to fall in that category. Having some control of that definition would hep our reports reflect our interests better.

  • Guest
  • Dec 20 2017
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  • Heather Callin commented
    May 20, 2020 18:46

    Yes. I have been a RE Database View Admin for over 15 years and am just starting on NXT Reports and Insights. I have taken 2 classes and now I have "chatted" and spoken to numerous people and no on can definitively tell me how soft credits are handled in NXT reports or Insights. The only time I have seen soft credits mentioned is when you go and select your Gift Types to include for Recognition. Everyone uses soft credits and if this wasn't addressed in the initial release....still have no clue but it'a looking like it wasn't....that is a huge fail as far as I am concerned. This also makes most of the revenue reporting, such as for our Fundraisers, useless. NXT, you still have a ways to go before I would recommend you.