NXT - Backdating Prospect Status in Prospect Management Tile

We currently track prospect status on the attribute tab. In preparation for a shift to NXT, we're moving this to the prospect status bar on the prospect tab, particularly because you can see a historic record of the prospect status on the Prospect Management Tile in NXT. It would be very helpful if there was a way to backdate a prospect status on the NXT tile. Currently, you can only put a status in place from "today's date" onward. Backdating would make reporting and prospect management much easier.

  • Guest
  • Feb 24 2017
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  • Cammi Derr commented
    March 15, 2019 19:45

    You know what else would be cool?  If we could extract the number of days in the status.  There appears not to be a way to report based on this metric.