Editable fields on area such as Education

We use Education as an editable field so not as Education, therefore we have different information held in these fields, it would be great if you can chose which fields can be displayed.  Our users would find the Major field one of the most important fields so to be able to chose which ones they want to see would be great.

  • Sophie Armitage
  • May 26 2015
  • Attach files
  • Jen Claudy commented
    September 24, 2015 19:46

    I was just checking out the Gift info now available.  The field I have hidden in RE:7 appears in RE:NXT, and the fields I relabeled (using the Display As option in Config...3 on the Gift Record) don't show the new labels.  In fact, the default label for "Marketing Source Code" shows as "Marketing So."

    Also, it's a little hard to distinguish between the field label, particularly when the field is blank, and the only-slightly-larger-font "Marketing" subheader.  Almost looks like I've got two blank fields instead of just one.

    In general, I wish the display had more contrast...gray text on white background is apparently the "thing" to do, but I find it really hard on the eyes.  And two fairly similar shades of blue, one for links and another for labels/highlighted info doesn't work for me, either.  Particularly with an old monitor where colors change as you scroll down the page and the text moves from bottom to top.