Dashboard Style Homepage/Login Landing Page with snapshot

From a solicitor perspective, the landing menu item "Portfolio" is not the best place to begin once you login.  The landing menu item upon logging in to NXT should be snapshots that:

1) graphically represent my fundraising goal and progress for all the funds he/she manages and/or for his assigned solicitor goal.

   1a) show the solicitor overall goal graphically (and in text), but then in respect to that goal show graphically (and text) my fundraising progress.

   1b) a graph showing historical monthly donation totals the solicitor received for the funds he/she is a solicitor for.


2) give basic statistical information. 

  2a) 20 most recent constituent who gave due to my solicitations, listed in order of date given, not alphabetically by consti. Have an option to "display more." 

  2b) Newest constituents who have began donating.  Maybe the top 10 with option to "display more"

  2c) Lost donors in the last few month.  This would use some sort of algorithm to determine who has given regularly or who has not honored any outstanding pledges in the last, say, 6 months or so.  Maybe the top 10 with the option to "display more"

  2d) Show a list of recent donors who do not have a completed action of a thank you letter for any first time gift or large gift.


Ultimately, the landing page should answer these questions every solicitor does and will have:

1) What is my fundraising goal again? 

2) What is my progress towards my fundraising goal?

3) Which donors have given to the funds I am a solicitor for? 

4) Have the donors that have given recently been thanked with a handwritten thank you note?

5) Who has recently donated that I am a solicitor of?

6) Who has given in the past that hasn't donated recently?

I am sure there are others... But these are the core. 



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  • Mar 20 2015
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  • Jen Claudy commented
    April 29, 2015 03:24
    We are small and don't have individual goals for solicitors, instead all fundraisers work together toward common goals. So I would prefer to be able to design/customize Dashboards that appear on login...and it would be great if not only each user can create/customize their landing page Dashboards, but also if I, as the DBA, could design and set them from my account.
  • Anthony AnthonyTo commented
    March 20, 2015 17:23

    Great feedback and amazing context. This has always been in our plans. We're getting there and have a bunch of these items in the factory. We'll keep you posted on this one!