Entry of name tag information

New to the EAP as of yesterday so I've only begun to play with it a bit.  One thing I noticed is that you can add name tag as a column in the participant list it doesn't actually exist anywhere on the participant record.  I'd love to see it there.


Along with that it would also be nice if we could add or edit it there too.  I know sometimes people show up and haven't actually registered, brought a guest and we don't have their name, or maybe we spelled it wrong (never happens, right).  It would be nice to update it right there and print it off.  I always feel badly when we have a hand written name tag for someone when everyone else has a nice printed one.  Doesn't exactly make us look great either.

  • Matthew Nareff
  • Feb 27 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Catherine Burns commented
    September 11, 2019 00:05

    If we could edit the Name tag name we could use it as a work around to record which contact from an organisation is attending. Or we could use it to record which organisation a non-constituent attendee is connected with.